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"[Theoretical physics] is mainly pure thought, for which my physical disability is no handicap. I may be mentally disabled as well, but if so, I'm too far gone to realize."

Stephen Hawking 

i've been rendering stuff with Imagine for several years now (in fact, it must be over ten) so here's a little gallery of some of the things i've done. Most of this is just for fun, but I'm quite pleased with the results! Some people say about seeing their etchings, this is probably the closest I get to that particular cliche...

BLOK COPY (cassette inlay)
Produced for the Cronosoft cassette release of Blok Copy on the Commodore PET.

CYBERWING (cassette inlay)
Produced for the Cronosoft cassette release of Cyberwing on the C64.

LUNAR BLITZ (cassette inlay)
Produced for the forthcoming Cronosoft cassette release of Lunar Blitz on the C16.

REAXION (cassette inlay)
Produced for the Cronosoft cassette release of Reaxion over a number of 8-bit formats.

SHYFTER (box label mock-up)
Just done for a bit of fun, based on the classic Atari 2600 cartridge boxes.

SUB HUNTER (cassette inlay)
Produced for the Cronosoft cassette release of Sub Hunter for the C64.

VICOLUMN (cassette inlay)
Produced for the Cronosoft cassette release of ViColumn for the Commodore VIC20.

WARFLAME (cassette inlay)
Produced for the Cronosoft cassette release of Warflame on the C64.

THE TARDIS (originally for fan video production)
Originally put together in 1997 and based on the classic 1963 police box.

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